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New simple way to help a Central Park school!!

The Foundation for Sustainable Urban Communities and Central Park United Neighbors (CPUN) polled area schools on where they need the most help.

Volunteers lead the list.

In response, we have developed a site to assist them:

Central Park School Volunteers –

Each area school has its own page displayed on the site’s home page. Volunteers just click on a particular school and at their leisure find opportunities that fit their talents, interests and availability.

What we need: Parents or other community members to act as liaisons to a school.

What school liaisons do: 

Very simple. Liaisons will connect with a school’s office staff every other week to learn their latest needs. The liaison then sends an email with those needs to the school’s page where it is automatically formatted and posted.

That’s it!

To find out more, please contact Brian Weber at; 720-394-1510.
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