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While Northeast Denver Innovation Zone folds, DPS offers no kind words

By Brian Weber /CPEdNews | May 8, 2024

After six years of frequent struggles with district opposition, the Northeast Denver Innovation Zone – which includes two Central Park schools – folds at the end of June. “It is with mixed emotions that we announce the decision to sunset […]

Central Park thespians honor The Bard at 40th Annual DPS Shakespeare Festival

By Sarah Huber /CPEdNews | April 28, 2024

(Cover photo: Northfield High School students at the 40th annual DPS Shakespeare Festival on April 26. Photo courtesy of Northfield High School.)  The Bard was in the house – and celebrating across downtown Denver – on Fri., April 26, with […]

Photos of Shakespeare Festival worth 1,000 words

By Central Park EdNews | April 28, 2024

Here is a photographic sampling of the action at the Denver Public Schools 40th annual Shakespeare Festival held Fri., April 26 at the Denver Performing Arts Complex in downtown Denver. Students from Northfield High School, McAuliffe International School, Willow Elementary […]

Manage like an ostrich: DPS Superintendent Marrero eliminates principal feedback on his leadership

By Alan Gottlieb /Boardhawk | April 22, 2024

(Editor’s note: This commentary originally appeared in CPEdNews’ partner publication, Boardhawk, an independent website dedicated to community-based commentary and advocacy-focused coverage of public education in Colorado, with a particular focus on Denver Public Schools and its Board of Education.) If […]

Part Two: DSST founder Bill Kurtz on equity, career/tech vs college, school reform and what DSST has meant to Central Park

By Brian Weber /CPEdNews | April 21, 2024

(Editor’s Note: This is part two of an interview with DSST CEO Bill Kurtz where he talks about equity, career/tech ed vs college, what DSST has meant to Central Park, what he’s most proud of and what he may do […]

Part One: Founder Bill Kurtz reflects on 20 years leading the DSST school network

By Brian Weber /CPEdNews | April 16, 2024

(Editor’s Note: This is part one of a two-part interview with DSST CEO Bill Kurtz. In part one, Kurtz talks about going from Wall Street to running schools, large and small high schools, how DSST began and evolved and its […]

In face of teen mental health crisis, Central Park elementary schools employ early intervention

By Sarah Huber /CPEdNews | April 7, 2024

(Cover photo: Inspire Elementary principal Linda August, left, and counselor Michelle Hauck walk the school’s “Peace Path” that they use to help students work through conflict and develop emotional regulation. Photo by: Sarah Huber) Even as the CDC reports a […]

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