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Inspire Elementary sends 15 students to DPS Science Expo!

Inspire Elementary School held its first STEM Fair on March 21 that featured dozens of intriguing projects.

Over a dozen central office personnel, including Superintendent Alex Marrero and Chief of Schools Cesar Cedillo, judged the over 150 student submissions. Projects ranged from the best method to solve a Rubik’s cube, to tooth decay, liquid viscosity, why airplanes fly and more! STEM stands for science, technology, engineering and math.
It was an extremely exciting and competitive event that sent the top 3 winners and honorable mentions from each grade level to the DPS Science Expo slated for April 29.

The winners from each grade were:

3rd Grade

  • 1stPlace: Wyatt Solesbee
  • 2ndPlace: Ava Bradley
  • 3rdPlace: Adelaide Tinklenberg
  • Honorable Mention: Andto Tokyo
  • Honorable Mention: Taylor Touma

4th Grade

  • 1stPlace: Haddee Duerson
  • 2ndPlace: Isabella Fernandez
  • 3rdPlace: Everett Muther
  • Honorable Mention: Luca Hamberger
  • Honorable Mention: Kinsley Strickman

5th Grade

  • 1stPlace: William Tevis
  • 2ndPlace: Tasman Davidson
  • 3rdPlace: Harper Bishop
  • Honorable Mention: Abel Pineda-Benavides
  • Honorable Mention: Naomi Nguyen


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