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Micah Klaver named interim principal of McAuliffe International School

Micah Klaver, an assistant principal at McAuliffe International School since 2017, has been named McAuliffe’s interim principal for 2023-24. Klaver replaces Kurt Dennis who was fired as principal in early July over speaking out in March against Denver Public Schools’ policy requiring administrators to search students charged with violent crimes. Dennis was the school’s founding and only principal for 12 years. Klaver’s bio from the school’s web site is below. Click here for his LinkedIn profile. 

Micah Klaver

Interim Principal



I have been part of this incredible community since 2013. I was born in Loveland but have lived in S. California, New York and Michigan. I came to serve at McAuliffe after a variety of great experiences with Americorps, City and Non-Profit Outdoor Recreation Programs and as an Expeditionary Learning Teacher. I passionate about kids and communities. Whether facilitating and creating learning experiences that challenge and empower students to dig deeper, teaching them to ask questions and become positive leaders in their communities or simply standing with them when they need an advocate or encouragement. I have a degree in education from the University of Colorado and am currently gaining a master’s degree in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from Ritchie Program at the University of Denver. My wife Kate is also a teacher and we have lived in the City Park neighborhood for ten years. We have two young daughters and spend as much time as possible backpacking, skiing, hiking and camping. I love teaching, leading, living and learning in the community that I live in.